April (w/Holy Week) 2022 Sermons
- Feast of the Life-giving Spring - (Fr. Theodosi)
- Feast of St. George - (Father Hector)
- Agape Vespers- (Father Hector)
- Resurrection Service of Holy and Great Pascha- (Father Hector)
- Vesperal Liturgy of Holy and Great Saturday- (Fr. Theodosi)
- Service of Lamentations- (Fr. Hector)
- Vespers of the Taking Down of Christ from the Cross- (Fr. Theodosi)
- Royal Hours of Great Friday- (Fr. Hector)
- The Passion Service of the 12 Gospel Readings- (Fr. Hector)
- Institution of the Mystical Supper Vesperal Divine Liturgy- (Isaac Lampart)
- Bridegroom Service of Wednesday Evening- (Isaac Lampart)
- Service of Holy Unction on Great Wednesday - (Isaac Lampart)
- Bridegroom Service of Tuesday Evening - (Isaac Lampart)
- Bridegroom Service of Monday Evening - (Fr. Theodosi)
- Bridegroom Service of Sunday Evening - (Fr. Hector)
- Palm Sunday - Adult Sermon (Fr. Hector)
- Palm Sunday - Children's Sermon (Fr. Hector)
- Lazarus Saturday - Adult Sermon (Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh)
- Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt - Adult Sermon (Fr. Theodosi)
- Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt - Children's Sermon (Fr. Hector)
- Sunday of St. John of the Ladder - Adult Sermon (Isaac Lampart)
- Sunday of St. John of the Ladder - Children's Sermon (Fr. Hector)
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