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Active Missionaries & Open Opportunities
OCMC Missionaries typically dedicate two or more years of their lives to sharing the Orthodox Faith abroad. The missionaries, and missionary families, listed below are all either in the midst of, or preparing for, their terms of service. Please visit their missionary pages to learn more about their various ministries and to offer your support so that they may continue to answer the call to make disciples of all nations on behalf of the Orthodox Christian Church.
Partnership with His Grace, Bishop Neophytos of Nyeri & Mt. Kenya
Click here to see Bishop Neophytos' Facebook page!
Our Annunciation Lancaster Parish has a close relationship and partnership with His Grace, Bishop Neophytos of Nyeri and Mt. Kenya. We have hosted him at our parish many times and look forward to hosting him again! One of the blessing of our relationship with His grace is that through our partnership we helped raise money to provide his priest with motorcycles and helmets so that they would have a means of transportation to serve the people.
Mission, Vision, & Values
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Our Mission
As the official missions agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States it is OCMC's mission to make disciples of all nations by bringing people to Christ and His Church.
Our Vision
That all people may come to know the saving love of our Lord: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Our Values
- We value proclaiming and witnessing Christ to all people with priority given to those who have never heard or accepted the Gospel.
- We value sharing the love of Christ for the care of the total person – spiritual and physical.
- We value ministry in the language and culture of the people.
- We value our people – well-trained Missionaries, Staff, Board, Supporters, Indigenous Leadership and those being served.
- We value communities, parishes, and individuals that are mission-minded and have active mission involvement.
- We value being an open and transparent agency that values the gifts of stewardship provided to us by the faithful.

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OCMC Missionaries that our Annunciation Parish is supporting:
The Hoppe Family - Serving in Albania - View their page!
Georgia Bendo & Family - Serving in Albania - View their page!
Dr. William Black - Serving in Kenya - View his page!
Jesse & Juanita Brandow - Serving in Guatemala - View their page!
Fr. Thomas & Presv. Elizabeth Manuel - Serving in Guatemala - View their page!