Our Clergy and Staff
Our parish is led by a dynamic group of clergy and staff that brings the Orthodox Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ alive for our parish community and all those we encounter.
Pastoral Assistant / Youth Director
Dn. Paul Murray
Pastoral Assistant
Voice: (717) 394-1735
Email: [email protected]
Elisabeth Blain
Youth Assistant
Voice: (717) 394-1735
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Staff
Eleni Mamas
Office Administrator
Voice: (717) 394-1735, Ext. 5
Email: Click here to Contact the Church Office
Elena Bartlett
Office Assistant
Voice: (717) 394-1734

Mary Sakellaris
Office Assistant
Youth Safety Administrator
Voice: (717) 394-1734
Building and Grounds

David Gammache
Building Supervisor
Voice: (717) 394-1735, Ext. 4

Daniel Blain
Protopsaltis (Head Chantor)
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