Weekly Schedule of Church Services:
Divine Liturgy - Sunday at 9:30 am (Orthros at 8:15 am)
Paraklesis to the Theotokos - Wednesday at 7:00 pm (after Bible study) -- All English
Paraklesis to Various Saints - Friday at 9:00 am (before study groups) -- Half Greek / Half English
Vespers - Saturday at 6:00 pm (before Orthodoxy 101) -- All English
Weekday Liturgies (and times) listed on Church Calendar
Weekly Bible Studies
Plugged-In meets Sundays during Coffee Fellowship in Room 4/5 for spiritual discussion over a cup of coffee.
Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets at 10:00 AM in Room 7 with Presvytera Pearl Veronis.
The Art of Parenting Study Group meets at 10:00 AM on Tuesday mornings in the Parish Library with Paul Muray, M. Div.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship for College Students meets at 7:30 PM on Tuesday evenings in Room 7 with Paul Murray.
Greek School & Family Learning Night meets on Wednesday evenings at 5:45 PM.
Adult Bible Study with Stephanos Dieckhaus meets at 7:00 PM on Wednesday evenings in Room 7.
Water of Wisdom Women's Book Study Group meets with Nikki Sullivan at 10:00 AM every other Thursday morning.
St. Sophia's Moms and Tots Group meets at 10:00 AM every other Thursday morning.
Women's Orthodox Book Study meets at 5:00 PM on Thursday afternoon in the church library ("The Great Divorce").
Thursday Evening Book Study meets at 6:45 PM with Mike Agliotta in Rooom 7 ("The Brothers Karamazov").
Kafethaki Greek Study Group meets with Fr. Hector at 10:00 AM on Friday mornings in Room 7 over a cup of coffee.
Orthodoxy 101 meets with Fr. Hector and Fr. Savvas at 7:00 PM every other Saturday after Vespers in Room 7.
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The Annunciation Orthodox Church is a parish of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh, under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Sharing the Gospel of Christ with an Orthodox Christian witness in the Lancaster area since 1921.
Annunciation Church Mission Statement:
"Receive and Share the Light of Christ!"
We are a body of believers who, having been empowered by the Holy Spirit, accept our sacred responsibility to follow Jesus Christ and promulgate His Gospel as set forth in the Sacred Tradition of the Orthodox Church. We believe this mission can be realized and implemented through our WORSHIP of the Holy Trinity, EDUCATION, SERVICE, FELLOWSHIP, and WITNESS.

Our Holy Transfiguration Mission Parish in Lititz, PA.
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